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Sunday, February 15, 2009


In just a few thousand years people managed to reach, from the stage in which they spent their time on raising animals or taking care of crops so they could have something to eat, to an era in which you can get the food in just few seconds, and your time is wasted on making money, so you can buy yourself the most performing and expensive devises.
Everything evolves. The devices are more and more performant. From the beginning of times, when neither the wheel or fire have been discovered, to nowadays, when cars can run with hundreds of km/h, and appliances don’t need fire to worm or light.
Everything evolved.The only exception is the humane kind. He decayed, because he looked after an easier life, but he didn’t think of the negative effects that their attempts could have upon the environment and even upon people. Today wars begin by one man’s will, either he wants to earn popularity, or for power and fortune. A little flag on a map could lead to the destruction of a state. Those are so called “Peace keeping troops”, but peace had already been there, before they arrived. In fact, the modern war differs from the old one, in which the leaders were in the front of the army and fought together with it. Now the leader stays thousands km away and watches on TV the army, how it destroys thousands of innocent people. And why? Just because that country stands on important oil deposit.
Even the animals have evolved, have adapted to the environment. But the man said: “Why should I adapt to nature, I could simply rebuild it until I would be satisfied with it ”, and this can be seen now with the naked eye. Concrete stands for the green areas, the ten-levels blocks are in stand of the decades old trees, mills and factories took the place of forests and fields, which also destroy the green around because of the gasses that they give off either in the air or in the water. Earth could had been paradise, if the man haven’t existed or haven’t touched it. Now it turns more and more into hell. Global warming, ice-blocks melting, acid rains, which destroy the vegetation, and all the other natural disasters, that amplify as a result of the pollution, represents man’s life.
In conclusion, evolution is something positive only if it takes the right course.
"Istoria e scrisa doar de invingatori"(Altar-Se fura)

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